лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл PAID ADVERTISING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SHAREWARE AUTHORS AND COMPUTER CLUBS! WE ALSO ACCEPT ADVERTISING FROM COMMERCIAL VENDORS! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл **************** Super Shareware System *************** The Super Shareware System (SSS) is a comprehensive system for shareware authors, enabling them to track customers, prospects, distributors, contacts, products, sales, and expenses. SSS allows you to quickly and easily target mailings to customers, prospects, or distributors using the mailing label or postcard options. SSS creates 24 reports, some of which include: Customer, Distributor, and Contact Listings and Directories, Geographic Summaries for Customers and Distributors, Income over a specified time period with subtotals by day, month, or year, Expenses subtotaled by date or expense category, Balance Sheet, Payments Due, Tickler, and more. Use the Querying capability of SSS with the postcard, label, and report options for further customization. SSS allows you to easily enter customer registrations and to print invoices with accompanying labels. Import data in dBASE, Delimited, or SDF formats. Export data for use with existing software. SSS was designed specifically for shareware authors. It's power and flexibility make it a tool that most shareware authors will not want to be without! Send $5.00 for a trial disk to: PractiComp 6490 Dubois Rd. Delaware, OH 43015-8931 614-548-5043 Compuserve 71043,3706 (End of advertising, next follows general information and advertising rates...) Why advertising in SMS? Just like a magazine: to keep costs of a good publication low for the final subscribers and users! This shareware program will be seen by THOUSANDS of authors and distributors. It is a listed file in the Compuserve Databased Advisor forum (GO DBA), file of the month, PC-SIG file, Public Brand file, New England Software Library file. It is mailed to many distributors, shareware authors and subscribers quarterly. It is available on many BBS systems throughout America. It is uniquely suited to your advertising in a specialized software market! Who should advertise? Shareware distributors with a message. Change of address, new phone lines, new author BBS submission systems. Requests to make registered copies available. Requests for unique shareware programs which do not exist. New in business of distribution and want to stand out from the crowd. Unique specialization (games, bible, graphics, etc). Going out of business (stop sending those files!) Can do disk duping cheaply for authors. Can do direct mail marketing for authors. Want to buy registered customer mailing lists from authors. New author incentive programs. Request for author addresses. Trying to find someone to help review disks for your printed catalog! Who should advertise? Computer clubs with a message. Want to build up or discontinue library. Want specialized software (wordperfect SIG wants lotsa macros! CAD SIG looking for super shareware package of drafting symbols) New club building membership. Unique club overseas with international address. Shareware librarian looking for someone to catalog those thousands of files (who better than a shareware author?) Club wanting to STOP shareware submissions (don't have a library and going nuts trying to figure out what to do with all the disks coming in the mail.) Club with restrictions (only want files on high density disks.) Change of officers (stop sending disks to Jane Doe who left 4 years ago! New shareware librarian is John Smith) Who should advertise? Shareware authors with a message. New program or version announcement. Unique program directed at other shareware authors as a vertical market. Trying to put together group of shareware authors for a large special project. Trying to stand out from crowd with announcement which other distributors and clubs will see in addition to your main mailing of disks. Urgent virus warning. Have large mailing list of customers to sell to shareware distributors. Looking for job in software industry (print my resume verbatim!) Want temporary job on call to do programming, data entry, telephone marketing, or other job you can do out of your home with a phone, modem, FAX or Federal Express connection. Who should advertise? Equipment manufacturers, magazines, commercial banks employment agencies seeking programmers or temporary help with computer intensive projects. Software houses needing a temporary programmer on call by FAX, modem or Federal Express! Selling equipment directed to shareware market. Computers, disk duping machines, documentation printing shops, shrink wrappers, label making hardware and software, accounting packages, direct mail marketing systems, magazine which has small classified ads in back which shareware authors could use, banks which would like to open visa card accounts for budding shareware authors or allow shareware authors to take visa card numbers from customers (open a vendor account relationship.) Hardware vendors wishing to sell specialized cards for PC's. Mail order modem vendors. commercial software companies selling C libraries, clipper libraries, custom compilers which shareware programmers might appreciate. Small business looking for a programmer to revise accounting system or CAD system. Business looking for someone to do data entry and have results modem shipped to company. Employment agency seeking programmers typists, accountants or others with a computer literate background. (shareware authors make great temporary employees - why not hire a productive and affordable shareware author who lives 1,000 miles away when his/her work can be shipped to your client by modem, FAX or Federal express?) (P.S. - the author of this package maintains files with mailing addresses and phone numbers of shareware authors and the types of software they program!) лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ADVERTISING RATE CARD/COST OF ADVERTISING IN THIS PUBLICATION SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR SHAREWARE AUTHORS AND COMPUTER CLUBS! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл You may submit either a single ASCII text screen or a small COM or EXE program which displays an animated/color message. Consider carefully computers which may not have color graphics cards and allow for both monochrome and color selecting within your program if using a COM or EXE file. Commercial vendor/general public (Shareware distributor, commercial vendors, general public) ---> One full screen, ASCII monochrome text file $150 per quarterly issue, $550 per year ---> Small COM or EXE program (20K in size or less) $300 per quarterly issue, $1,100 per year DISCOUNTS: Computer club: Use 25% discount on above rates Shareware author: Use 35% discount on above rates